Recognizing Your Limiting Beliefs

What is a limiting belief? A limiting belief is something that has been felt or repeated enough times and/or with enough impact, that has become a part of your subconscious. When a limiting belief gets implanted into your subconscious, your CONSCIOUS self acts and believes that certain limitations are true. A limiting belief is a lie that has deeply rooted itself in your mind. This has been dragging you along as a passenger, while IT takes the driver seat!

Two months ago I was drowning in limiting beliefs. I had convinced myself that OUTSIDE sources were responsible for my financial situation, that I was powerless, and that some things were just “out of my hands”. Some limited beliefs that I have recently been working on clearing out of my subconscious:

  • Money is a limited source
  • Rich people are greedy
  • More money more problems
  • Money isn’t spiritual, poverty and sacrifice is (guilt)
  • I can’t control my own wealth
  • Money is not easily attained
  • Money can solve all of your problems

How did I get all of these limiting beliefs (and much more) into my subconscious to the point where they turned into my reality? I began to analyze my early childhood. It is known that most of our limiting beliefs (about money or ANYTHING for that matter) are created between birth and 7 yrs old. Yes, a lot happens later in life which helps mold you into who you are, but before the age of 7 ideas literally get ABSORBED into your psyche like a freaking sponge! You may think you already know where everything stems from, but some journaling and meditating into your inner self, can give you straight forward answers and allow you to see things in a different light. As I looked back to my first 7 years of life I saw MANY reasons why I’ve been SO stuck with my limiting beliefs concerning money. I personally became aware that my inner child held onto these moments as “Reasons why money is difficult”:

1.) Living in Uruguay seeing poor kids begging for food while I had enough to eat, instilled GUILT in me – Having more = Guilt, sadness, greediness. Every time I’ve been on a “money high” I fall back down.. Could it be that I feel guilty and greedy?

2.) The memory if leaving so many family members at the airport crying, miserable, depressed when we moved to America – Having a better life = Sadness, losing loved ones, FEAR of the unknown. Am I scared to go into unknown territories in order to avoid losing love or security?

3.) Upon coming to America, I was the underdog. I didn’t have all of the same toys & clothes. Having less money = Not worth it, not good enough. Am I self sabotaging my financial situation because of this deep rooted concept of not being “good enough”?

4.) Seeing my father work 3 jobs, sacrifice everything, hustle day and night – Having more money only comes from HARD WORK. Did I create less money because sub consciously I didn’t want to work to that degree?

As I mentioned, I have been working hard on ridding myself of these limiting beliefs. Here is a list of NEW MONEY TRUTHS, which I have been reminding myself of daily and putting into practice:

  • I have the capacity to have as much as I want
  • The more I have, the more I can GIVE
  • Money in my hand will make the world a better place
  • Abundance is my natural birth right
  • Wealth is created not earned
  • I am worthy
  • Money blesses me with more choices
  • Money is ENERGY
  • Money has no intelligence of it’s own to dictate my life
  • Like oxygen, it can easily flow in just as much as it flows out

With that said, do you know the fastest way to rid yourself of limiting beliefs? I call them my dynamic duo: FORGIVENESS & GRATITUDE!

Once you forgive your past experiences, people, and self, you can move on and allow new positive thoughts to enter your sub conscious. I learned this from my mentor, Kathrin Zenkina. Alongside of forgiveness, you must also be grateful for everything in your current life. There is ALWAYS something to be grateful for. Wake up and think of what you are thankful for. Remind yourself during the day. Look at people and things around you with love. Go to bed feeling appreciative. It is honestly the most miraculous shift I have ever practiced in my life. Sounds like BS? Try it! Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and live in love of everything around you and I promise things will change!

Make lists.. Make a list of the OLD thoughts you want to dump, forgive them, and make a list of NEW thoughts you want to believe. Do this and find things to love daily, and you are headed in the right path.

OH, and who cares what others think about your process?! Judgement will be everywhere.. Fuck it! 🙂

