Connecting with my soul..
I’ve been having a hard time with this one these past couple of days. Did you ever commit to something with full enthusiasm and after a while of really trying, you aren’t seeing the results? I’ll be honest as I promised from the start of this blog, this is me today. I’ve felt like I was on a high for a while and right now I’m feeling a little bit at a let down. It feels as if I’ve taken steps forward yet things happen to make me take steps backwards. I’m not gonna lie, I’m pissed LOL.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not giving up on my goals but it would be nice if things started to shift already! I know God hears me.. I know the Universe has my back.. I know the power is within me to achieve my goals.. and I know I must be grateful throughout the whole process. Maybe I need to work on my patience and continue to block out all negative thoughts.
“The day you plant the seed, is not the day you eat the fruit!”
I came across this quote a few minutes ago, and I wanted to share it. It reminded me that the more you sit and wait for things to happen, you are actually creating more of a “waiting period”. Whatever feeling is going through you strongly, will vibrate outwardly and manifest itself even stronger. So, makes sense.. I’m waiting for things to shift therefore I’m creating a LONGER waiting time. If you plant a seed you KNOW the tree will grow if you nourish it. It is not an overnight process, but it grows and when it does, the fruit is delicious.
I definitely planted a seed inside myself and I’ve been watering it daily with books, meditation, and positive self talk. I HAVE to trust the process because before I know it, just like a tree, I will grow..
Hi good evening to you. Just writing you to get some info on your trucking company & you. I love your drive to live each day. I like reading your stories & tweets
Thank you William that means a lot to me!!