I had mentioned in my book recommendation post that I would make a separate one with my favorite YouTubers. If you find it difficult to sit and read, you would really benefit from tuning onto any of these YouTube channels on your computer, phone, or in the car. These people have a magnificent way of portraying their message and truly planting seeds in one’s brain:
Abraham Hicks – This lady is amazing. She is hysterical, a little nutty (which I love), and has totally mastered how to portray the Law of Attraction with the best Metaphors! I listen to her daily and have repeated certain videos several times because they are PACKED with bits of useful leads. She has drawn a very clear picture in my brain, of what a Vortex is.. Listen to her to find out! link:https://www.youtube.com/user/AbrahamHicks
Eric Ho/Master Sri Akarshana – When I first started watching his videos he referred to himself as Eric Ho which is his actual name, but as he continued practicing meditation techniques with Yogis in the Himalayas he became; Master Sri Akarshana. Eric is know as the “Yogi with a Lamborghini” LOL. He has an immense sense of spirituality combined with a MASTERY of the Law of Attraction. I learned how to BREATHE during tough situations via his guided videos. It’s crazy how a simple breathing exercise can alter your mood/thoughts/energy within seconds! Link:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZzuauSCw9aXx-tUB-E7Tfw
Manifestation Babe – She’s just cool because she literally went from sleeping on her Grandmother’s couch and decided she would commit to mastering the Law of Attraction within a year to opening an Instagram account and went from 0 to 100; proving that the Law works if you BELIEVE it’s possible. She now writes books, has a popular podcast, hold’s coaching classes for ladies in business, and lives her dream life – all within 2 years! Link:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrL1BRGHkRVibo0a-VCQ6Yg
Louise Hay – Her meditations are really relaxing. If you don’t know where to start as far as meditating, look her up! Also, she wrote the book “You Can Heal Your Life” which I received as a gift from my Mother back in 1999. This book got me through a moment where I suffered from severe anxiety & phobias. I will talk more about that later but I assure you it’s also a great “beginner” book if you need some guidance and don’t know what to read first. Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEcGxk2_r6e0aSV_60qwmaA
Mel Robbins – As mentioned in my book post, she is the reason I wake up with a positive mind every morning. Yes, sometimes it’s REALLY FREAKING HARD, but, “5,4,3,2,1 – Do it anyway“.. and that’s how I roll out of bed. It’s always been a struggle for me to wake up early and start the day off with excitement and a positive mind because I immediately used to think of the 1,000 issues or things that could go wrong.. basically expecting disaster. Sounds horrendous, right? Unfortunately, that mentality is normal for more people than you’d think. No-matter how your mind functions, if you want to change it, you CAN.. and that is exactly what Mel Robbins has taught me. Link:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk2U-Oqn7RXf-ydPqfSxG5g
Proctor Gallagher Institute – Bob Proctor is the founder and came up with the movie “The Secret” where for myself, was the first time I ever even heard of The Law of Attraction, back in 2007. I love how he incorporated business coaching and success tips into this “mind over matter” approach. He 110% understands the dynamics of successful businesses but also portrays how it stems from our thoughts, confidence, and beliefs. He is 85 yrs old now, worth $20 million – Age is Wisdom! Link:https://www.youtube.com/user/BobProctorTV
Tony Robbins – all I can say, is that if someone can be worth $500 million dollars and had no education past high school, he is worth listening to! He is a business and life coach. His seminars get sold out every time by THOUSANDS. I will one day be attending one of his seminars, till then, YouTube and his books! Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/TonyRobbinsLive/featured
With all of that said, I must admit I still have a LONG journey ahead of me.. I am considered to be a “hopeful resistor” which basically means I live with the thought that everything can be manifested, yet I resist as soon as I meet with struggle.. I am working on all of this, DAILY, hence my research and constant affirmations. I like to consider myself a work in progress because I believe there is a lot of value within me and it must be released.
Any thoughts? Comments? Recommendations? Comment below! & Subscribe!
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