
When is enough, enough? Recently I learned a new lesson (as if life hasn’t sent me enough of those already! lol). I realized that my mind was always focused on wanting bigger and better.

About 3 years ago, we decided we really wanted to buy a house. I put all of my focus and determination into visualizing us in our new home. During this time I did a lot of positive reading, vision boards, and daily walks with mental focus on my dream. So it happened, a year to the date we bought our first house. I was happy.. I was thankful.. I felt accomplished. I got what I wanted, so now I didn’t have to spend all this time reading, visualizing, focusing on KEEPING what I had received from the universe. I got lazy. I got comfortable. Business was booming. Money was so easily being acquired, and I found myself thinking “I want more“. What at first had been a dream accomplished, quickly turned into and uneasy feeling of not enough.

If someone complimented my home or congratulated me, I would dim the value and respond “Oh yea thanks it’s nice, but it’s too small.” I would hear my inner voice say to me “You are being an ungrateful brat! Do you realize how many people would want what you have?” but I quickly disregarded that voice and answered back “Daianna you are ambitious you want more there is nothing wrong with that!”. For quite a while I allowed my brain to focus on everything I DIDN’T have, rather than everything I DID have. If I felt that business was going great I would immediately say to myself “but I’m not rich yet!”. As soon as that inner voice responded to me, I felt like nothing that surrounded me was ENOUGH.

You know what happened? I entered the point where my lesson had to be learned. The universe said, “Oh it’s time to learn.. now!”.

I began to have problems with work.. some customers closed down while others began to dwindle their imports (thanks to the China tariffs!). My lesson had begun and I hadn’t noticed yet. I was still stuck on bigger and better. Soon after it started taking a toll on my finances directly. “Oh shit!” Am I going to lose my house? Am I going to lose my business? All of a sudden I realized how much I LOVED everything I had. Funny how the brain works, huh? I realized what was happening. My inner voice had trapped me into a web of “not enough” and guess what? That’t exactly what I created.. NOT ENOUGH.

I MADE this happen. I basically asked for it, spelled it out, pronounced it every which way, and put it into the Universe. If I didn’t have enough, than that’s exactly what I would begin to experience.. and so I experienced.

It takes a lot to own up to our mistakes.. especially to be raw and honest. I am extremely GRATEFUL for this experience. I am grateful for the recent hardships. I am thankful for this lesson. I learned the true meaning of GRATITUDE. I am back on track. It’s not wrong to want something, it’s wrong to not love what you have in the meantime. I CAN have it all if I love all I have. That is the whole gist of Gratitude. As mentioned in my previous post, it is now time for action. With a thankful heart I commence this “homework” assigned to me with open arms.



2 Comments on “Gratitude

  1. 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Thessalonians 5:18 English Standard Version (ESV) I just felt this Scripture as I read you Blog. I have been trying to practice this myself. It’s easy to complain about what you don’t have , but beneficial to be grateful for what you do have. Thanks for Sharing. Very enlightening God Bless

  2. GOD is always there to put things in perspective and have you humble down. There’s nothing wrong with more, but be careful, MORE can come with MORE than one can handle. So yeah be grateful for the now . . More will come
    James 4:6 English Standard Version (ESV)
    6 But he gives MORE grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”