46562896 – lessons learned text written over dark green background
Today is October 7th, and I like the number 7, so I decided to whip up 7 lessons I learned this year:
Money does NOT buy happiness – Gratitude actually brings you happiness! It was when I felt my lowest & worst financially, that I found real happiness. SO crazy because I LOVE MONEY, but I was focusing on it all wrong. As soon as I saw what I have to be grateful for, I began to feel SO good about life.
You can be a good person and not get walked all over – I always felt I had to be 1 or the other. Nice or stern. Friendly or bitchy. It was when an employee showed me that time after time he took my forgiving character as weakness, that I realized I will choose to be nice but take no shit.
Happiness has a daily “to do” list – It’s very easy to let difficult moments take over if you don’t implement daily inner work into your routine. It’s actually therapeutic and not necessarily “work”, but it’s something that needs to be kept up with daily. Happiness is something you can only provide for yourself.. So, start the days with listing things you are grateful for, meditate, read positive books or affirmations, work on pushing away negative thoughts and changing them for positive ones, limit the amount of negative TV or Social media you follow.
Avoid energy vampires – There are certain people that will suck the life out of you IF YOU ALLOW THEM. It’s easy to allow them if your own vibration isn’t at it’s best. If someone doesn’t make you feel good or makes you feel gloomy every time you see or speak to them, then it’s not good for you to interact during moments when you are off as well. It’s OK to take care of your mental state and keep yourself at peace.
If you aren’t constantly trying to better yourself, you aren’t truly living – This was a big one for me. I’ve had to dig deep within me to really see all of my flaws. My God it’s scary when you realize all of the crap you had inside, making the ego rule. I had and still have quite a few things I need to work on, but it feels SO GOOD to commit to making myself a better person. People who feel like they don’t need to change or better themselves, aren’t letting all of the Universe’s resources into their world. Once you start, you feel complete amazement as to what’s out there for you to soak in and feel joy!
Self love is more important than anything – This is something I am still working on. I know it, I get the reasoning behind it, I completely agree with it, yet I have my moments where I completely sabotage myself. I never saw the meaning behind “you can only love someone as much as you love yourself” until recently.. Now I fully see how much love you can offer to others if you are full of love for yourself.. or the contrary, how much love you miss out on giving others due to your own lack of self worth. I know I will master this, I am in the works!
You have the power to accomplish anything you want – If you can imagine it, you can have it; the bottom line to the Law of Attraction. If you put all of your focus and positive faithful energy into your goals, YOU WILL ACHIEVE THEM. You must believe and detach yourself from the results. Real manifestations occur when you KNOW they will and then go about your days with a sense of gratitude.. not dwelling on that which you want.
As I re-read my 7 lessons that I was BLESSED with this past year, I just smile. I smile because I realize that they all sum up one great beautiful concept: The power is within ME!
Please share some lessons you have learned and how they have changed you 🙂
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