Checking in after a long time!

Hello world, its been a whirlwind!

I’m sure for everyone just as myself, these past 2 yrs have been INTENSE. 2020 & 2021 came strong! The collage of emotions and events that I have felt/gone through make me think, “It’s been JUST 2 years?!” lol.. at the same time I turn around and think “Holy shit 2 yrs passed?” It’s like the mind thinks time flew but the heart feels like it dragged. Goes to show how polarized we really are as human beings.

Speaking of polarized, this time for me has been the absolute worst and the absolute best. Crazy! As a collective, I think us humans are going through a time of polarity in order to show us our deepest shadows and our highest virtues. If we learn, we grow. If we grow, we heal. If we heal, we manifest our dreams. The issue is when we stop right at the learning mark. By learning I’m referring to taking difficult situations and truly witnessing ourselves.. the dark parts.. the shameful parts.. the parts we don’t even realize are there because we are so stuck observing others or feeling self pity. When we witness those parts we LEARN more about ourselves and we begin to heal. Everyone needs healing to some degree because we all have shadows. No, we are not damaged goods that need healing in order to begin to feel worthy. We are beautiful souls that simply need healing to remove the clutter that has been imposed into our psyche as children. That clutter once witnessed and released from the sub-conscious, raises our awareness to why we do/think/feel certain things. We begin to take responsibility for our own lives while tending to the internal child who was not seen for a long time.

Lets start 2022 by witnessing ourselves, our shadows, and our light, and choosing what we want to keep in order to manifest our dream lives..

If any of this resonates and if you’d like to hear more about the DEEP inner work I’ve been doing, send me a message. More to come πŸ™‚


Dai πŸ™‚

Dream life

After a very rough start to my day, I began thinking about my dream life and all of the things I wish to accomplish and acquire. Once I get there, I will feel like it was all worth it. It’s all happening FOR me not TO me, right? It will all pay off in the end.. this I truly believe.. BUT, as my day ends and I crawl into my fluffy king size bed facing my enormous TV after a relaxing hot shower, IT HITS ME:


An intense warm feeling crawled up my whole body and made me feel like a Queen (well, I am a Queen but you get my point πŸ˜‰). Gratitude once again taught me a lesson, in a simple but direct manner. I must continue to remind myself every single day that I am already living my dream life.. only then will I start making quantum leaps into more wishes fulfilled ✨

Going to fall asleep to some Netflix now ☺️ Goodnight!



Surrender to what IS..

The topic of surrendering to my current state and reality, has been popping up daily. It’s as if the universe wants me to sit and process it… So here goes:

Yes, we have the ability to create our own reality but at the same time, if we are super attached to the outcome, we produce tension. Essentially, we are keeping ourselves trapped. Surrendering to the what IS NOW holds more power than we can even begin to imagine.

Today I pulled up into my driveway and sat in my car for 10 minutes in silence. I took a few deep breathes and just envisioned myself fully surrendering to my current reality: the stress, the busy hours, the issues at home, etc.. at the end of the day, we are never going to be “problem free” right? I visualized my life as this long road. To my left and to my right there were my obstacles but ALSO my blessings… I could see them intertwining like rose vines. As I looked at my long hours of work, I also saw the fruits of my labor crawling into it.. then I saw my personal home situations and quickly the feelings of strength, love, and unity enveloped it.. I know it’s not easy to make my vision super clear to everyone but I hope the concept is understood – All of the “bad” or uncomfortable things in our life are also creating the GOOD and beautiful. The more we surrender to the process and allow what comes to flow through us, the quicker we quantum leap into our desired realities.

Release the grip.. surrender to your life.. move THROUGH it not against it.. and then the calm will make you feel SO secure about where you are heading.

I hope this helps you to see why the good needs the bad and everything in between is just what we make of it..


Dai πŸ™‚

What is “ALL”?

I heard this question today and it really sent me deep into thought. I’m sure I am not the only person who fears “losing it all”. This time last year, I was living a whirlwind of emotions being almost rock bottom emotionally and financially. I stopped fighting against the current and allowed faith in myself and my actions, to get me through it. Fast forward a year, and I am in a completely different place. Not only have I attained more internal strength, I also climbed up the financial ladder. Of course I have many more steps until I make it to the top, but I am in a place where I feel comfortable and secure. So with that said, a new fear has creeped up.. “what if I lose it all?”. I have brought up this question in therapy, in coaching calls, to my husband, to myself often, etc… Well, today while attending a coaching call with Antonina (lifewellmade on IG), she made me realize that no amount of material can make me enjoy the things that really make me happy, such as reading, writing, and nature. Whether I am in a big house or a little house.. whether I am the owning of a large successful business or a small failing business.. I still enjoy THOSE things. So why do we put this large elaborate picture around the things that make us happy? Yes I want a big house, yes I want a large successful business, but enjoying my “all” now is what life is about.

Today I learned that although losing all material possessions would hurt, it wouldn’t mean I lost it “all”. My family, my friends, my dogs, my love of reading and writing, the ability to see and witness beautiful sceneries while enjoying nature… that is my ALL.

What is your ALL?


Dai πŸ™‚

Recognizing Your Limiting Beliefs

What is a limiting belief? A limiting belief is something that has been felt or repeated enough times and/or with enough impact, that has become a part of your subconscious. When a limiting belief gets implanted into your subconscious, your CONSCIOUS self acts and believes that certain limitations are true. A limiting belief is a lie that has deeply rooted itself in your mind. This has been dragging you along as a passenger, while IT takes the driver seat!

Two months ago I was drowning in limiting beliefs. I had convinced myself that OUTSIDE sources were responsible for my financial situation, that I was powerless, and that some things were just “out of my hands”. Some limited beliefs that I have recently been working on clearing out of my subconscious:

  • Money is a limited source
  • Rich people are greedy
  • More money more problems
  • Money isn’t spiritual, poverty and sacrifice is (guilt)
  • I can’t control my own wealth
  • Money is not easily attained
  • Money can solve all of your problems

How did I get all of these limiting beliefs (and much more) into my subconscious to the point where they turned into my reality? I began to analyze my early childhood. It is known that most of our limiting beliefs (about money or ANYTHING for that matter) are created between birth and 7 yrs old. Yes, a lot happens later in life which helps mold you into who you are, but before the age of 7 ideas literally get ABSORBED into your psyche like a freaking sponge! You may think you already know where everything stems from, but some journaling and meditating into your inner self, can give you straight forward answers and allow you to see things in a different light. As I looked back to my first 7 years of life I saw MANY reasons why I’ve been SO stuck with my limiting beliefs concerning money. I personally became aware that my inner child held onto these moments as “Reasons why money is difficult”:

1.) Living in Uruguay seeing poor kids begging for food while I had enough to eat, instilled GUILT in me – Having more = Guilt, sadness, greediness. Every time I’ve been on a “money high” I fall back down.. Could it be that I feel guilty and greedy?

2.) The memory if leaving so many family members at the airport crying, miserable, depressed when we moved to America – Having a better life = Sadness, losing loved ones, FEAR of the unknown. Am I scared to go into unknown territories in order to avoid losing love or security?

3.) Upon coming to America, I was the underdog. I didn’t have all of the same toys & clothes. Having less money = Not worth it, not good enough. Am I self sabotaging my financial situation because of this deep rooted concept of not being “good enough”?

4.) Seeing my father work 3 jobs, sacrifice everything, hustle day and night – Having more money only comes from HARD WORK. Did I create less money because sub consciously I didn’t want to work to that degree?

As I mentioned, I have been working hard on ridding myself of these limiting beliefs. Here is a list of NEW MONEY TRUTHS, which I have been reminding myself of daily and putting into practice:

  • I have the capacity to have as much as I want
  • The more I have, the more I can GIVE
  • Money in my hand will make the world a better place
  • Abundance is my natural birth right
  • Wealth is created not earned
  • I am worthy
  • Money blesses me with more choices
  • Money is ENERGY
  • Money has no intelligence of it’s own to dictate my life
  • Like oxygen, it can easily flow in just as much as it flows out

With that said, do you know the fastest way to rid yourself of limiting beliefs? I call them my dynamic duo: FORGIVENESS & GRATITUDE!

Once you forgive your past experiences, people, and self, you can move on and allow new positive thoughts to enter your sub conscious. I learned this from my mentor, Kathrin Zenkina. Alongside of forgiveness, you must also be grateful for everything in your current life. There is ALWAYS something to be grateful for. Wake up and think of what you are thankful for. Remind yourself during the day. Look at people and things around you with love. Go to bed feeling appreciative. It is honestly the most miraculous shift I have ever practiced in my life. Sounds like BS? Try it! Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and live in love of everything around you and I promise things will change!

Make lists.. Make a list of the OLD thoughts you want to dump, forgive them, and make a list of NEW thoughts you want to believe. Do this and find things to love daily, and you are headed in the right path.

OH, and who cares what others think about your process?! Judgement will be everywhere.. Fuck it! πŸ™‚



Goal Crushing

11 days ago I created a vision board and set some goals for myself for the month of October; you can refer back to my post “Thankful Thursday – The calm during the storm”. I am amazed at how much can be done and accomplished in 11 days.

My #1 goal was to attain a new customer. I did it! Although work hasn’t begun with them yet, just knowing that it’s in the work is making me feel so empowered. I see the possibility of attaining more customers in the near future also, which is such a great feeling! I have been stepping out of my comfort zone and must admit that doing so is paying off.

My vision board also included finding a direction towards what High school to enroll our daughter in (private or public). We attended 1 of 2 Open houses last weekend which I have to admit all 3 of us fell in love with.. and we have 1 more to go to next weekend. I feel confident that by the end of this month, we will have a much clearer picture of where to go.

The 4 books challenge hasn’t been as speedy as expected. I’ve been reading the same book for 11 days.. I think mostly because I enrolled in an online course which has been taking up a lot of time, but I plan on finishing it this weekend and sticking to my other 3.

Meditation has been a part of my daily routine whether its in the morning, afternoon, or night time.. also, it’s been short and sweet (between 5-10 minutes) but I’ve been sticking to it and hope to get better at it!

I also wanted to go to an Abraham Hicks workshop. These workshops are not cheap, and in my case, not local.. therefore, I also have to pay for a hotel. I questioned whether to fork out the money or not and my internal voice said, “Just do it! This is for a better you! This is an investment in yourself!” So I went ahead and bought 1 ticket and reserved a hotel room, to which I will be leaving to shortly (Greenwich, CT). I am looking forward to some quiet “me” time and truly soaking in the fact that I treated myself and allowed myself an experience which would have been put off or avoided in the past. Go me!

With that said, I will go get ready so I can set out to my little mini adventure! I can’t wait to spend 4 hrs in the same room as Abraham Hicks tomorrow! Will definitely make a follow-up post about everything I learned and experienced.

Have a blessed weekend!



7 Lessons of 2019

46562896 – lessons learned text written over dark green background

Today is October 7th, and I like the number 7, so I decided to whip up 7 lessons I learned this year:

  1. Money does NOT buy happiness – Gratitude actually brings you happiness! It was when I felt my lowest & worst financially, that I found real happiness. SO crazy because I LOVE MONEY, but I was focusing on it all wrong. As soon as I saw what I have to be grateful for, I began to feel SO good about life.
  2. You can be a good person and not get walked all over – I always felt I had to be 1 or the other. Nice or stern. Friendly or bitchy. It was when an employee showed me that time after time he took my forgiving character as weakness, that I realized I will choose to be nice but take no shit.
  3. Happiness has a daily “to do” list – It’s very easy to let difficult moments take over if you don’t implement daily inner work into your routine. It’s actually therapeutic and not necessarily “work”, but it’s something that needs to be kept up with daily. Happiness is something you can only provide for yourself.. So, start the days with listing things you are grateful for, meditate, read positive books or affirmations, work on pushing away negative thoughts and changing them for positive ones, limit the amount of negative TV or Social media you follow.
  4. Avoid energy vampires – There are certain people that will suck the life out of you IF YOU ALLOW THEM. It’s easy to allow them if your own vibration isn’t at it’s best. If someone doesn’t make you feel good or makes you feel gloomy every time you see or speak to them, then it’s not good for you to interact during moments when you are off as well. It’s OK to take care of your mental state and keep yourself at peace.
  5. If you aren’t constantly trying to better yourself, you aren’t truly living – This was a big one for me. I’ve had to dig deep within me to really see all of my flaws. My God it’s scary when you realize all of the crap you had inside, making the ego rule. I had and still have quite a few things I need to work on, but it feels SO GOOD to commit to making myself a better person. People who feel like they don’t need to change or better themselves, aren’t letting all of the Universe’s resources into their world. Once you start, you feel complete amazement as to what’s out there for you to soak in and feel joy!
  6. Self love is more important than anything – This is something I am still working on. I know it, I get the reasoning behind it, I completely agree with it, yet I have my moments where I completely sabotage myself. I never saw the meaning behind “you can only love someone as much as you love yourself” until recently.. Now I fully see how much love you can offer to others if you are full of love for yourself.. or the contrary, how much love you miss out on giving others due to your own lack of self worth. I know I will master this, I am in the works!
  7. You have the power to accomplish anything you want – If you can imagine it, you can have it; the bottom line to the Law of Attraction. If you put all of your focus and positive faithful energy into your goals, YOU WILL ACHIEVE THEM. You must believe and detach yourself from the results. Real manifestations occur when you KNOW they will and then go about your days with a sense of gratitude.. not dwelling on that which you want.

As I re-read my 7 lessons that I was BLESSED with this past year, I just smile. I smile because I realize that they all sum up one great beautiful concept: The power is within ME!

Please share some lessons you have learned and how they have changed you πŸ™‚



Thankful Thursday – The calm during the storm

I LOVE October! It represents Fall activities, family, togetherness, the beginning of “cozy” season, and the countdown to my favorite holidays! Yes, I am also that “pumpkin spice everything” girl.. currently enjoying my Dunkin Iced Coffee with 2 pumps Pumpkin Spice LOL πŸ™‚

I titled this post, “The calm during the storm” because I am proud of who I’ve been this past month; staying calm, patient, and positive during a really bad storm. What has kept me going is the fact that no-matter what, I have SO MUCH to be thankful for. This is something I might have been repeating, but that’s just how IMPORTANT it is to keep that momentum of gratefulness going. The feeling of “I already have it all” has been a saving grace for me.. which I owe to Abraham-Hicks, Gabby Bernstein, Kathrin Zenkina, etc.. It is a human necessity to inform the mind and search for help when you want to better your current situation – whatever it may be.

This Thursday I am especially THANKFUL FOR: Alignment! I feel a shift within me and it feels empowering. Alignment basically means you’re an energetic match for whatever it is you want. You are relaxed, happy and there is just that certainty it’s coming.

I have aligned myself by focusing on what I want, while being extremely grateful of what I already have, and feeling at peace. A fun little trick to focus on what you want is to create a vision board.

On October 1st I posted a “virtual vision board” on my Instagram account (bambi_227). I have to admit that there is massive POWER in declaring your intentions. When you let the Universe know “this is what I want“, it HAS to deliver as long as you are aligned with the positive thoughts and actions behind it. My Little vision board includes some things I want to make sure I accomplish this month:

  1. New Customer – I am without a doubt finding a new customer this month. I must add, the same day I posted this I received a lead πŸ™‚
  2. Do what I love – I will continue to ENJOY writing and not give up on it because others don’t support it, agree with it, like it, etc..
  3. Scope out all high-schools – My daughter has been in private school since 1st grade. She wants to go to Public school for High-school in Sept 2020. I am open to whatever she wants to do, but she will make her decision after we visit all the schools that are open for her. This takes a lot of time & energy – that’s why its on the board!
  4. Read 4 books – I committed to reading 4 books per month. So far I am mid-way through Gabby Bernstein’s “Super Attractor” – Highly Recommend!
  5. Abraham-Hicks Workshop – This is the only month that these workshops are anywhere local to me. Due to the weekends being jam packed with High-school open houses, my only option is October 12th in Greenwich, CT.. it’s almost 2 hrs away for me but I NEED to go.
  6. Family Fall activity – preferably pumpkin related! πŸ™‚ Last year we were SO SO SO busy all of October and November, we never ended up spending a nice Fall day as a family! I do not want that to happen again.. the calendar is already pretty full.. so this being on my vision board will ignite my fire to MAKE SURE we do!
  7. Meditate daily – Day 3 going strong! I need guided meditation for now. Hopefully one day I will be able to Zen out without extra help. For now, this is doing the trick and it makes me feel AMAZING!

Hope you like my ideas! Do you have a vision board? Do you have any cool ideas I can incorporate vision boards for my own goals? I’d love to know what others do to get their butts into overdrive! πŸ™‚



3 months left of 2019!

Today I had a hard time figuring out what to write about. It seems like I can’t get out of my head all of the things I want to accomplish before the end of 2019! I guess this is a good time to analyze the year. We are 75% done but we still have 25% left to end it with a bang! Maybe your year has been amazing and that’s awesome.. but you could still have more amazing! On the other hand, maybe this year hasn’t been that easy (insert girl with hand up emoji here!).

So 3 months… 3 months to make it right (and continue forward of course). A couple months ago I began this journey, of which I don’t really have a clear name for.. I guess I could call it my “abundance journey”. By abundance I don’t only mean financial; as I have learned recently that abundance really truly lives inside the word JOY. 2 months ago I can honestly say I was miserable, filled with fear, and dreading each new day. The root of all that negativity was my lack of money or so I thought. Turns out, I just needed to change my mentality. When I began to filter my mind with books, podcast, youtube, and affirmations, I really started to realize where HAPPINESS comes from. I’m not going to sugar coat this and say that magically all of my financial problems disappeared.. in fact, they’re the same.. BUT, I wake up grateful that TODAY I have a home, TODAY I have a car, TODAY my family can eat, TODAY I can fill my tank with gas, TODAY I am alive. Feeling so much gratitude helps me wake up and see that Life is SO WORTH IT. This MASSIVE mountain I’ve been struggling to climb to the top of, hasn’t killed me yet! Aside from waking up grateful I also wake up knowing that someway, somehow this will all get better. God has a plan for me and I am doing as much as I could from my end to follow his lead and I know he will reward me.

With that said, I came up with 3 things I want to accomplish before the end of 2019:

  1. Complete a course to better my business – I already signed up for an online course that lasts 6 weeks and starts Saturday the 5th.
  2. Find a new client – I fear rejection big time (I’m working on it!) so for me, going out and exposing myself to potential “No’s” is a very hard thing to do. I limit my marketing due to this reason. Time for a change!
  3. Payoff 2 credit cards – May seem like a simple task to some, but this is a very difficult thing for me considering my situation. I am 100% ready to CHANGE my money mindset, and make shit happen!

I will absolutely check back in with new posts as I ACCOMPLISH these goals!

What goals have you wanted to put into writing and hold yourself accountable for? What can you do to better your life and feel more fulfilled and IN CHARGE of your destiny?

OR, have you manifested goals into your reality? Any interesting stories?




What is your #1 driving force?

Did you ever stop and think how your daily behavior shapes your world? I had not been putting much thought into any of my actions and emotions for a while. Sometimes it’s easy to put the blame on “life” or certain situations that arise, yet “life” and such situations pretty much manifest through our own actions, thoughts, and words. Coming to reality with one’s self is a pretty extraordinary feeling. There are so many things that make you feel uncomfortable but at the same time it’s so rewarding. I believe we must be a work in progress for our whole lives. Always searching for ways to better ourselves. Accepting our flaws, faults, and weaknesses is what in the end, makes us powerful.

I recently learned that there are 6 major driving forces, or NEEDS, for all of us humans. Each one has it’s powers and it’s kryptonite. The goal is to identify which need is pulling us, learning how to focus it in the direction of power, and work on balancing the rest of them. So here goes, the 6 Human Driving Forces:

  1. Certainty – you search for comfort and certainty in your life. For example, you like routines because you always know what to expect and nothing surprises you. Power: You can stick to daily tasks and you don’t get bored. kryptonite: you don’t handle change well and are scared of takings risks. You can easily become “lazy” or unmotivated.
  2. Uncertainty – This is the complete opposite. You need variety in your life in order to avoid boredom and predictability. Power: You welcome any situation with open arms and risks are adventurous. Kryptonite: You have a hard time following rules.
  3. Significance – you strive to feel significant, or important, in other people’s eyes. You goal is to create a sense of identity. Power: you are determined to find your sense of purpose and achieve your goals. Kryptonite: Progress can be equal to what others think about you.
  4. Connection – you yearn to be connected to people. You need to give love, be loved, and belong. Power: Love = Happiness. Kryptonite: Not feeling loved can make you feel unworthy.
  5. Growth – you strive to constantly learn something new, experience new things, level up in business, or grow mentally/emotionally/spiritually. Power: your ambition keeps you striving and doesn’t let you quit. Kryptonite: getting too overwhelmed by doing too much and not enjoying the process until you “make it”.
  6. Contribution – you need to contribute to the community. This force is all about adding value to other people’s lives. Power: what goes around comes around. You’re vibration is about giving therefore you receive in return. Kryptonite: you put yourself last and forget to tend to your own needs.

My driving force has always been CERTAINTY. I realized that instead of using my needs in a powerful way, I was actually operating completely off KRYPTONITE mode! I never liked it when life got tough. I normally situated myself in the most comfortable experiences. In my mind I wanted more, (Growth force), but physically I acted on Certainty. I let time pass, and felt that routines made me happy when in the end it was just an excuse to be lazy and depend on others. Yes, that’s me telling it like it is. If you can’t face yourself you will never GROW. At this point I’m focused on the Growth force but I will not allow myself to do TOO MUCH and get overwhelmed. If I do that, I will end up quitting.

Our brains are literally STUFFED with thoughts, concepts, information, memories, traumas, images, etc that have created the person we are today.

Why not reach in and eliminate the things that harm us and substitute them with ones that bring us joy?

Check out Tony Robbins 6 Human Needs in Detail:

Comments? Opinions?

Till next time..

